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DDDDK-Tag(binds to flag sequnence) rabbit pAb

DDDDK-Tag(binds to flag sequnence) rabbit pAb

簡(jiǎn)要描述:DDDDK-Tag(binds to flag sequnence) rabbit pAb
宿主: Polyclonal, Rabbit,IgG
反應(yīng)性: Species independent
應(yīng)用: WB;ELISA;IP;IF

產(chǎn)品型號(hào): YP-Ab-17192




DDDDK-Tag(binds to flag sequnence) rabbit pAb



FLAG-tag Polyclonal Antibody detects FLAG-tagged recombinant proteins or FLAG-tagged proteins overexpressed in cells.
DDDDK synthetic peptide conjugated to KLH.
Liquid in PBS containing 50% glycerol, 0.5% BSA and 0.05% sodium azide.
The DYKDDDDK (FLAG) peptide has been used extensively as a general tag in expression vectors. This peptide can be expressed and detected with the protein of interest as an amino-terminal or carboxy-terminal fusion. N-terminal FLAG vectors provide an Ek cleavage site for removal of the fusion tag. The FLAG peptide is likely to be located on the surface of a fusion protein because of its hydrophilic nature. As a result, the FLAG peptide is more likely to be accessible to antibodies. A FLAG-tag can be used in many different assays that require recognition by an antibody, such as western blotting, immunocytochemistry, immunoprecipitation, flow cytometry, protein purification, and in the study of protein-protein interactions, cell ultrastructure, and protein localization and so on.

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